Roy Amundsen - the violent norwegian goalkeeper

The Norwegian goalkeeper Roy Amundsen went totally berserk and knocked down 2 players and a referee in an 3. division match between Snøgg and Åssiden in june 1981.The referee Tor Møyen was in unconscious condition driven to the nearest hospital with 2 broken ribs. Roy Amundsen was also a former norwegian wrestling champion.
It all began when Roy Amundsen felt  provocated  by a striker, who did not give him the ball fast enough, after Roy Amundsen was given a freekick, Roy Amundsen gave the striker a fist in the face, The referee gave Roy Amundsen a red card, The referee which resulted in Roy Amundsen viciously attacking the referee with fists then kicking him while he lay unconscious on the ground.
Roy Amundsen was arrested by the police, but managed to get loose of the police and attacked and knocked out a second player. Roy Amundsen was banned for 2 and a half year and given 60 days suspended prison.


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